What You Need To Know About Google Analytics

Course Description
One of the most popular sources for online traffic data is Google Analytics, which will track the activity of every person who visits your website. This course will provide you with an overview of the platform, plus some little-known sweet spots for data that will allow you to wow customers.
This course is designed for newcomers to Google Analytics. More advanced courses on tracking pixels, utm sources and campaign configuration will come in subsequent tutorials. Today’s course is meant to provide you with tools for evaluating campaign performance and communicating effectively with customers.
Target Audience
- Social5 Customer Relations
- Social5 Marketers
- Social5 Editors
- Social5 Advertising Specialists
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 1
- Duration 1 hour
- Skill level Intermediate
- Language English
- Students 27
- Certificate No
- Assessments Self
Understanding Google Analytics