Better together than apart: How to combine email marketing and social media
When you combine forces, you become stronger than the sum of your parts. This is especially true when it comes to email marketing and social media marketing. We’re all doing both, so it makes sense to integrate them. And the good news is that it’s not hard to do.
Start with Facebook and add an email sign-up option to your page. This call-to-action allows you to leverage the hard work you put into Facebook. Your fans like what they see on your page, so they’ll probably like what you share through email. Give them a way to sign up for your list.
Include social sharing buttons in your email messages. This option is usually available through your email service provider, so take advantage of it. And be smart about it. Don’t make your buttons so small it’ll take a magnifying glass to see them. Think mobile-friendly and make them large enough that a reader can tap them with their finger.
Turn an unsubscribe into a social follower. When someone opts to unsubscribe from your email list, give them the option to follow you on social. That way, they can stay up-to-date with your products and services without having their inbox overrun.
Cross-promote your content. Drive an email subscriber to a Facebook contest or a Twitter chat. Invite social followers to subscribe to your email list.
Now it’s your turn. Are you combining your email marketing and social media marketing efforts? What are your best tips to grow your audience in each channel?